Everything about this game is great!!! … Expand The underwater world is also very pretty and crucial to your nation's development. You will not regret buying this game, because it will makes you really happy when you see your islands fill with bustling futuristic cities, pretty worker robots deliver your goods, and your production buildings busy producing things for your cities. There are lots of things you can do in the game and lots of NPC's to interact with and lots of special items that you can discover. This game is a real gem and I have not seen anything like it before. Please buy this game and support Blue Byte, even though we all know Ubisoft DRM policy is ridiculous. Multiplayer is hard because this game takes time, but there is a save and load system that works for multiplayer so you can shoot up a map alone, and then have someone join you later in multiplayer. It is more than that, and it makes the word 'strategy' more important than ever. This is not a traditional RTS game where you can build units really fast and go crush the enemies. Everything in the world affects your game! The graphic is beautiful, the music is enchanting, and the game-play will keep you up for hours just like the Civilization series. The features of World President voting and Current & World Events are not implemented in other RTS's on the market right now. I never played any Anno games in this series and only played this one, but this game is really something. I never played any Anno games in this series and only played this one, but this game is I made an account here just to review this game. I made an account here just to review this game.